

Purpose:   Hospital

Location:   Serbia, Belgrade

Year:   2019 – 2023

Investor:   Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia

General contractor:   GH Holding d.o.o

Area of the reconstructed part:   59,000 m2

After the opening of the newly built twelve-story lamella as part of the reconstructed and extended building of the Clinical Center of Serbia, the final works on the completion of the entire building are currently underway

As a reminder, at the end of 2018, work began on the reconstruction and extension of the Clinical Center of Serbia, which, in addition to the complete renovation, furnishing and completion of the previously built ten-story lamella, also included the addition of a new one, which extends over an additional 12 floors.

Al Sistem carried out works on the complete renovation of the facade, as well as the extension of the new building. The largest part of our work was represented by the unique element of the facade, which was done in this way for the first time in the world.

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